Sunday, January 28, 2007

I Read Slowly

I'm told that reading slowly invites reflection and produces wisdom. OK. What I really mean is that I read poorly and slowly. Even if I wanted to race through an article, I can't manage it. I do understand what I read; but I often have trouble retaining what I understood. Bottom line: I read poorly. The "why's" of that aren't important here; but the consequences are.

Several of my friends have fascinating blogs or other websites full of interesting and important information and insight. But it just takes me so long to go through them that even the thought of it tires me out! If you are one of those friends whose insights I've missed, I ask your understanding, your sympathy and, if necessary, your forgiveness.

And so, I come now to my first post on my first blog. And as eager as I might be to put my thoughts out there for you, gentle reader, the thought stays with me that probably you really don't have time to read my thoughts, either. You, doubtless, read better than I; but your life is full of many things and my postings probably should remain near the bottom of your "to do" list. And so, I ask myself: "Why bother? No body is going read this anyway!"

But I might bother. We all were created to communicate. The urge to be heard, to be understood flows deep in our veins. I feel it now.

So, let me make you this promise. If I post anything else here it will only be because I believe it is something that someone, somewhere needs to hear. Of course, my belief may be in error. I will leave it to you to be the judge.

Grace and peace.

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